Sunday, September 1, 2013

My Interest in Film

I wouldn't call myself an "avid film buff", but I do like movies. I like to watch movies for different reasons, and at different times. Sometimes i'm just in the mood for an action movie, and then other times it's comedy, or a love story. The one thing I like about most movies though, is that they usually tend to have an underlying theme that the director is trying to get across. I like to watch certain movies several times until I can find out what this hidden message or meaning is. I find it to be exciting to understand what it is the directory is trying to say.

Another reason I like to watch movies is to have a good time with people I like to be around. Comedies are usually the films that do this for me. I like to share laughs with friends and family, and create inside jokes that relate to a movie we have just watched. Many times me and my brother, girlfriend, or cousin will quote lines from movies that we have seen and it makes for a good laugh. Other people usually have a hard time understanding what it is we are talking about, but for us it is a nice way of recalling a memory of a fun time we had together watching whatever movie it is we are quoting. Overall, watching movies is a fun way to pass the time and, in some cases, get a little deep thought going while doing it.

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